S.No | Faculty Name | Year/Month | Patent Title | Affiliation | National/Int patent | Status Filed/Published/Granted |
1 | Dr.Rachna Jain | Jun-23 | Artificial intelligence based smart glasses for determining retinal stress | BPIT | International | Granted |
2 | Dr. Rachna Jain | Mar-23 | IOT Based Wearable Health Monitoring Device | BPIT | National | Granted |
3 | Dr.Ritu Gupta | Feb-23 | Automatic smart Health care System to prevent and detection of alltypes of Tumors based on bacteria to enhance anti-tumorimmunotherapy using Artifi cial Intelligence and Machine LearningAlgorithms | BPIT | National | Published |
4 | Dr.Nitish Pathak | Dec-22 | IoT-based health monitoring system over 4G network | BPIT | National | Granted |
5 | Dr.Nitish Pathak | Mar-22 | Three Port Car Charger | BPIT | National | Granted |
6 | Dr.Monika Arora | Feb-22 | IOT Based Speaker Reorganization system | BPIT | National | Published |
7 | Dr.C M Sharma | Feb-22 | IoT & AI-based “Eyes for Non-Eyes” – A Sensor-based Intelligent system to Blind people. | BPIT | National | Published |
8 | Dr.Varsha Sharma | Feb-22 | System and Method for Analyzing the Emotions of the Person using Smart Sensors | BPIT | National | Published |
9 | Dr.Varsha Sharma | Feb-22 | Cloud-based Human Resource Big Data Analysis and Decision Making for Group Enterprises | BPIT | National | Granted |
10 | Dr.Shailendra Gaur | Feb-22 | IoT & AI-based “Eyes for Non-Eyes” – A Sensor-based Intelligent system to Blind people. | BPIT | National | Published |
11 | Dr.Ritu Gupta | Jan-22 | IOT, Cloud Based STROKE- DISEASE Classification AND Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms | BPIT | National | Published |
12 | Dr.Monika Arora | Sep-21 | Methods for translating sign language using convolutional Neural Network | BPIT | National | Published |
13 | Dr.Nitish Pathak | Aug-21 | A Drone-based Traffic Congestion Mitigation System | BPIT | International | Granted |
14 | Dr.Ritu Gupta | Aug-21 | Color Image Water Marking Scheme using Partial Homomorphic Crypto System in ASWDR Compression domain | BPIT | International | Published |
15 | Dr.Abhishek Swaroop | Jun-21 | An ION Exchange process for industrial waste water treatment | BPIT | International | Granted |